Author name: Michelle Jones

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ALH Facebook Blog 2 Evushield 07JUN2022 AW 1 1

COVID-19, Evusheld, and Liver Patients

Evusheld is a long-acting investigational protective measure against COVID-19, featuring a combination of two monoclonal antibodies. The FDA recently gave its approval under an emergency use authorization (EUA). Evusheld is a game-changer for liver patients and other individuals with a compromised immune system. What is Evusheld, and Who Can Use It? Evusheld is a combination […]

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Jaundice: A complication of NASH

Jaundice: A Complication of NASH

Jaundice is a yellowing of the eye sclera (the white part) and skin because there’s too much bilirubin in the blood. There are many causes of jaundice. However, for people living with liver disease, jaundice is a common nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) complication. Bilirubin, the Liver, and Jaundice Bilirubin is formed while recycling old or damaged

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The liver and alcohol

The Effects of Alcohol on the Liver

Alcohol is one of the most widely used substances among America’s adult and teen populations, posing substantial health and safety risks. Even though most know the adverse effects of alcohol, many tend to do so without fully recognizing the health risks of consuming alcohol excessively. The liver is one of the essential organs in the

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Increasing diversity in liver research

Why Minority Participation in Liver Research Matters

April is National Minority Health Month (NMHM), a time to raise awareness about health disparities that affect people from racial and ethnic minority groups. Liver disease is growing in prevalence in the Hispanic population. It is also a leading cause of death in the U.S. Through education, we can lower the risk. Through participation, we

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ALH Facebook Blog Hepatitis 01MAR2022 JS 2 1

Hepatitis Explained: What You Need to Know

Liver health is essential to the function of the human body. It performs over 500 functions to keep the body healthy. A few examples are flushing out toxins, processing food, and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Hepatitis is one of the most common conditions that can permanently damage the liver without proper treatment. Learning more

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